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1042 documents matched the search for Christin, Clémence in authors.
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Entry Deterrence Through Cooperative R&D Over-Investment,
Clémence Christin, in Recherches économiques de Louvain (2013)
Keywords: Research and Development agreements, collusion, entry deterrence

Entry deterrence through cooperative R&D over-investment,
Clémence Christin, from HAL (2013)
Keywords: collusion,entry deterrence,Research and development agreements,Accords de recherche et développement,barrières à l’entrée

Entry deterrence through cooperative R&D over-investment,
Clémence Christin, from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) (2011)
Keywords: Competition policy, Research and Development Agreements, Collusion, Entry deterrence

Entry Deterrence Through Cooperative R&D Over-Investment,
Clémence Christin, from Université catholique de Louvain, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales (IRES) (2013)
Keywords: Research and Development agreements, Collusion, Entry deterrence

Registered author: Clémence Christin

Equilibrium strategic overbuying,
Eric Avenel and Clémence Christin, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: entry deterrence,overbuying,vertical contracting

New product introduction and slotting fees*,
Claire Chambolle and Clémence Christin, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Buyer Power,Innovation,Slotting Fees,Informative Advertising

New Product Introduction and Slotting Fees,
Claire Chambolle and Clémence Christin, from HAL (2017)
Keywords: Buyer Power, Innovation, Informative Advertising, Slotting Fees

New Product Introduction and Slotting Fees,
Claire Chambolle and Clémence Christin, in Journal of Industrial Economics (2021) Downloads

Equilibrium strategic overbuying,
Eric Avenel and Clémence Christin, from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS (2011)
Keywords: entry deterrence, overbuying, vertical contracting

Optimal Production Channel for Private Labels: Too Much or Too Little Innovation?,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Guy Meunier, from HAL (2015)
Keywords: Private label,vertical relations,buyer power,innovation

Optimal Production Channel for Private Labels: Too Much or Too Little Innovation?,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Guy Meunier, in Journal of Economics & Management Strategy (2015) Downloads

Buyer power and exclusion: A progress report,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Hugo Molina, in International Journal of Industrial Organization (2023)
Keywords: Vertical relationships; Buyer power; Distribution network; Exclusion;

Buyer Power and Exclusion: A Progress Report,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Hugo Molina, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: Vertical relationships,Buyer power,Distribution network,Exclusion

Optimal production channel for private labels: Too much or too little innovation?,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Guy Meunier, from Center for Research in Economics and Management (CREM), University of Rennes, University of Caen and CNRS (2013)
Keywords: Private label, vertical relations, buyer power, innovation

Optimal production channel for private labels: Too much or too little innovation?,
Claire Chambolle, Clémence Christin and Guy Meunier, from Alimentation et Sciences Sociales (2014)
Keywords: Private label, vertical relations, buyer power, innovation

Analyse critique des réformes de la réglementation de la distribution française,
Marie-Laure Allain, Claire Chambolle and Clémence Christin, from HAL (2011)

Pollution Permits in Oligopolies: The role of abatement technologies,
Clémence Christin, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï and Jerome Pouyet, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: cap-and-trade system,imperfect competition,end-of-pipe abatement,process-integrated abatement,reserve for entrants

The role of abatement technologies for allocating free allowances,
Clémence Christin, Jean-Philippe Nicolai and Jerome Pouyet, from Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE) (2011)
Keywords: Cap-and-trade system, profit-neutral allocations, abatement technologies

Pollution Permits, Imperfect Competition and Abatement Technologies,
Clémence Christin, Jean-Philippe Nicolai and Jerome Pouyet, from CER-ETH - Center of Economic Research (CER-ETH) at ETH Zurich (2013)
Keywords: Cap-and-trade system; imperfect competition; abatement technologies.

The Role of Abatement Technologies for Allocating Free Allowances,
Clémence Christin, Jean-Philippe Nicolaï and Jerome Pouyet, from CEPREMAP (2011)
Keywords: Cap-and-trade system; profit-neutral allocations; abatement technologies

Compte rendu d'ouvrage - Les boeufs malade de la peste. La peste bovine en France et en Europe,
Clémence Massart, in Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies - Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement (RAEStud) (2011)
Keywords: Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety

Dépenses fiscales et allégements de cotisations sociales pour les emplois domestiques: des instruments aveugles aux inégalités ?,
Clémence Ledoux, in Revue française de socio-Economie (2015)
Keywords: domestic work, public policies, socio-fiscal instruments, inequalities

Boëtsch Gilles, Gueye Lamine, Macia Enguerran, Jaffré Yannick, Bourdelais Patrice (dir.), 2015, Santé et sociétés en Afrique de l’Ouest, Paris, CNRS, 320 p,
Clémence Schantz, in Population (french edition) (2016) Downloads

Concurrence imparfaite et discrimination sur le marché du travail,
Clémence Berson, in Revue économique (2011) Downloads

Registered author: Clémence Bourcet

Registered author: Clémence Bussière

Modifier les pratiques d’évaluation à l’université pour qu’elle (re)devienne un lieu d’émancipation,
Clémence Clos, from HAL (2019)
Keywords: enseignement supérieur,évaluation,Université,inégalités sociales,note,étudiant,France

Apports d'une analyse par les rapports sociaux de sexe en économie politique,
Clémence Clos, from HAL (2018)

Penser la gestation dans le capitalisme. Une perspective féministe révolutionnaire,
Clémence Clos, from HAL (2021)

Les effets du télétravail sur l’engagement et la performance adaptative des salariés: une mise en perspective des théories des comportements organisationnels en situation de dé-spatialisation,
Clémence Heimburger, from HAL (2022)
Keywords: télétravail,engagement organisationnel,satisfaction,performance adaptative

Pratiques de développement durable dans l’hôtellerie de luxe: enjeux et spécificités,
Clémence Clos, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: hôtellerie de luxe,développement durable,services

L'évaluation économique en santé au prisme de la typologie des épistémès de Foucault,
Clémence Thebaut, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Economie du bien-être,Evaluation économique en santé,Epistémologie,Foucault

How Accounting for Goodwill relies on Underlying Assumptions: a Historical Approach,
Clemence Garcia, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: Goodwill,Accounting History

Crise financière et réformes comptables au Japon: le problème des survaleurs,
Clemence Garcia, from HAL (2004)
Keywords: goodwill,normes japonaises,crise financière,mondialisation

Quelle valeur collective accorder à la santé ? Une question relancée par la crise sanitaire,
Clémence Thebaut, from HAL (2021) Downloads

Déploiement du concept de business model au sein d’une organisation publique sur la période 2015-20: le cas de Réseau Canopé,
Clémence Chaussebourg, from HAL (2020)
Keywords: Paradoxe,Management public,Business model,NPM,Hybridation,Recherche intervention

Democracy, elections and allocation of public expenditures in developing countries,
Clémence Vergne, from HAL (2009)

Strategic Cost Management and Performance: The Case of Environmental Costs,
Clémence Stanley, in Social and Environmental Accountability Journal (2017) Downloads

“We are trained to be married!” Elite formation and ideology in the “girls’ battalion” of the Sudan People's Liberation Army,
Clémence Pinaud, in Journal of Eastern African Studies (2015) Downloads

Testing: la difficulté de l'interprétation de la discrimination à l'embauche,
Clémence Berson, in Travail et Emploi (2013)
Keywords: discrimination, randomized experiment, access to employment, correspondence study

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers (2022)
Keywords: Local governments; Intermunicipal cooperation; Difference-in-differences; Housing regulations; Local public services

Ghana: les enjeux de la croissance face à la montée des déséquilibres,
Clémence Vergne, from Agence française de développement (2017)
Keywords: Afrique, Ghana

Colombie: l’enjeu des réformes structurelles et du processus de paix,
Clémence Vergne, from Agence française de développement (2017)
Keywords: Amérique latine, Colombie

Empirical determinants of renewable energy deployment: A systematic literature review,
Clémence Bourcet, in Energy Economics (2020)
Keywords: Renewable energy deployment; Determinants; Systematic literature review; Energy policy;

Dealing with moral dilemma raised by adaptive preferences in health technology assessment: The example of growth hormones and bilateral cochlear implants,
Clémence Thébaut, in Social Science & Medicine (2013)
Keywords: Health technology assessment; Paediatric treatment; Disability; Welfare economics; Adaptive preferences;

Private vs. Public Sector: Discrimination against Second-Generation Immigrants in France,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: wage gap,public-private sectors,Discrimination,différentiels de salaire,secteurs public/privé,France

Competition and Discrimination: a not so Obvious Relationship,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination,oligopsony,wage gap,oligopsonie,différentiel de salaire

Does Competition Induce Hiring Equity ?,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Discrimination,hiring,competition,embauche,concurrence

Vaut-il mieux rester isolé?Analyse des coûts liés à la coopération intercommunale,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021) Downloads

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021) Downloads

Concurrence imparfaite et discrimination sur le marché du travail,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination,oligopsony,wage gap,oligopsonie,différentiels de salaire

Clémence Fourton, « Review of The British Growth Crisis. », Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique [Online], XXI-2 | 2016, Online since 05 October 2016, connection on 21 September 2017,
Clémence Fourton, from HAL (2016)
Keywords: Crisis Managment,Economics and finance,British Politics

Concurrence imparfaite et discrimination sur le marché du travail,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination,oligopsony,wage gap,oligopsonie,différentiels de salaire

Private vs. Public Sector: Discrimination against Second-Generation Immigrants in France,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: wage gap,public-private sectors,Discrimination,différentiels de salaire,secteurs public/privé,France

Competition and Discrimination: a not so Obvious Relationship,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination,oligopsony,wage gap,oligopsonie,différentiel de salaire

Does Competition Induce Hiring Equity ?,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2012)
Keywords: Discrimination,hiring,competition,embauche,concurrence

Vaut-il mieux rester isolé?Analyse des coûts liés à la coopération intercommunale,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021) Downloads

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021) Downloads

Concurrence imparfaite et discrimination sur le marché du travail,
Clémence Berson, from HAL (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination,oligopsony,wage gap,oligopsonie,différentiels de salaire

Regroupements d'entreprises, Culture et Goodwill au Japon,
Clémence Garcia, from HAL (2011) Downloads

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Local governments,Intermunicipal cooperation,Difference-in-differences,Housing regulations,Local public services

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from HAL (2021)
Keywords: Local governments,Intermunicipal cooperation,Difference-in-differences,Housing regulations,Local public services

The Marginal Revolution in the light of Foucault's typology of epistemes,
Clémence Thebaut, from HAL (2023)
Keywords: JEL Classification: B12,D61,D63,I10 Welfare economics,Health economic evaluation,Epistemology,Foucault

Digital control of an analog marcketting model,
C.R. Clemence, in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (MATCOM) (1974) Downloads

Accelerating sustainable mobility and land-use transitions in rapidly growing cities: Identifying common patterns and enabling factors,
Clemence Cavoli, in Journal of Transport Geography (2021)
Keywords: Sustainable urban development; Mobility; Transport; Urban planning; Urban transition;

Shocks and wage adjustments,
Clémence Berson, in Bulletin de la Banque de France (2020) Downloads

Ghana: The challenges of growth faced with increasing imbalances,
Clémence Vergne, from Agence française de développement (2017)
Keywords: Afrique, Ghana

Le modèle de croissance marocain: opportunités et vulnérabilités,
Clémence Vergne, from Agence française de développement (2017)
Keywords: Afrique, Maroc

Des coopératives de consommation aux circuits courts alimentaires: le local d’une époque à l’autre‪,
Clemence Nasr, in Économie rurale (2019)
Keywords: Agribusiness

Ethique et évaluation économique des interventions de santé en vue d'une définition du périmètre de soins remboursables,
Clémence Thébaut, from Paris Dauphine University (2012)
Keywords: Health technology assessment; Social choice theory; Public decision-making; Ethics; Cost/benefit analysis; Egalitarism; Adaptive preferences; Evaluation coût/bénéfice; Evaluation des interventions de santé; justice sociale; Aide à la décision publique; Ethique; Egalitarisme; Adaptation des préférences;

Private Versus Public Sector Wage Gap: Does Origin Matter?,
Clémence Berson, in Metroeconomica (2016) Downloads

Local labor markets and taste-based discrimination,
Clémence Berson, in IZA Journal of Labor Economics (2016)
Keywords: Discrimination, Oligopsony, Wage gap

Residential Segregation in the Mid-Sixties,
Theodore Clemence, in Demography (1967) Downloads

The Agribusiness Model in South African Land Reform? Land Use Implications for the Land Reform Beneficiaries,
Clemence Rusenga, in Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy (2019)
Keywords: Agribusiness model; small-scale model; land reform; agriculture; South Africa

Military Kinship, Inc.: patronage, inter-ethnic marriages and social classes in South Sudan,
Clémence Pinaud, in Review of African Political Economy (2016) Downloads

Youth participation in society,
Clemence Roger, in Asia Europe Journal (2008) Downloads

A Brief History of Accounting for Goodwill in Japan and France: War, Tax and Accounting Practice,
Clémence Garcia, in Gakushuin Economic Papers (2011)
Keywords: Goodwill, Accounting History

Individual and Dynamic Capital in Cost Accounting,
Clemence Garcia, in Gakushuin Economic Papers (2015) Downloads

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2025) Downloads

Généalogie de l'évaluation économique en santé,
Clémence Thebaut, from HAL (2022) Downloads

Fixed-Term Contracts and Labor Market Duality in France,
Clémence Berson, in De Economist (2018)
Keywords: Fixed-term contracts, Atypical labor contracts, Duality

Better Alone? Evidence on the Costs of Intermunicipal Cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from CESifo (2021)
Keywords: local governments, intermunicipal cooperation, difference-in-differences, housing regulations, local public services

Séminaire - De Giessen à Orlando, développement rural et statistiques agricoles de la Chine,
Clémence Aubert, in Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales (1993) Downloads

Protection sociale et forme atypique d'emploi: le cas de la presse en France,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: protection sociale,pigistes,journalisme,discontinuité de la relation de travail

La division du travail au sein d'un organe de presse: modes et usages des formes d'emploi,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: Division of labour,coordination,segmentation in labour market,flexibility of labour force,Division du travail,segmentation du marché du travail,flexibilité de la main d'oeuvre.

Les contrats de travail atypiques sont-ils réservés aux nouveaux entrants ? Réflexions sur les pratiques en vigueur dans la presse française,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: journalisme,contrats atypiques,segmentation

Are atypical employment contracts exclusively for new entrants? The case of the French press,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: segmentation,journalism,atypical employment contracts

Protection sociale et forme atypique d'emploi: le cas de la presse en France,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: protection sociale,pigistes,journalisme,discontinuité de la relation de travail

La division du travail au sein d'un organe de presse: modes et usages des formes d'emploi,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2007)
Keywords: Division of labour,coordination,segmentation in labour market,flexibility of labour force,Division du travail,segmentation du marché du travail,flexibilité de la main d'oeuvre.

Les contrats de travail atypiques sont-ils réservés aux nouveaux entrants ? Réflexions sur les pratiques en vigueur dans la presse française,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2008)
Keywords: journalisme,contrats atypiques,segmentation

Are atypical employment contracts exclusively for new entrants? The case of the French press,
Clémence Aubert, from HAL (2009)
Keywords: segmentation,journalism,atypical employment contracts

La division du travail au sein d'un organe de presse: modes et usages des formes d'emploi,
Clémence Aubert, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2007)
Keywords: Division of labour; coordination; segmentation in labour market; flexibility of labour force

Registered author: Clemence Tricaud

Better alone? Evidence on the costs of intermunicipal cooperation,
Clemence Tricaud, from Condorcet Center for political Economy (2019) Downloads

Registered author: Clémence Aubert

Private vs. Public Sector: Discrimination against Second-Generation Immigrants in France,
Clémence Berson, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2009)
Keywords: Discrimination; wage gap; public and private sectors; France

Competition and Discrimination: a not so Obvious Relationship,
Clémence Berson, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2011)
Keywords: Discrimination; oligopsony; wage gap

Does Competition Induce Hiring Equity?,
Clémence Berson, from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1), Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne (2012)
Keywords: Discrimination; hiring; competition

Registered author: Clémence Berson

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